
This is the cause of excessive hair loss

Losing strands of hair every day is normal. But if hair loss is more than 100 strands per day, it is already considered abnormal. There are many causes of excessive hair loss. Some of them you can read in this article. Hair loss of 50 to 100 strands every day is still considered normal. This should not cause problems or make your head bald quickly. Why? Because new hair will grow and replace the hair loss. However, if hair loss is excessive, especially if accompanied by interrupted or stopped hair growth, the head can lose its beautiful crown, both temporarily and permanently. Causes of excessive hair loss Excessive hair loss (more than 100 strands per day) is medically referred to as telogen effluvium. This loss occurs thoroughly in the head so it does not cause baldness in one area (humps). As a result, hair appears thinner overall. This condition can occur after the body experiences stress or stress, both physically and emotionally. In general, excessive hair loss and slow ha...

Recognize the Causes of Post Partum Bleeding That Can Result in Death

Post partum hemorrhage or bleeding after childbirth, is still the main cause of death in pregnant women, especially in developing countries. Some of the accompanying symptoms of post partum hemorrhage include increased heart rate, decreased blood pressure, and pain in the vagina. Post partum hemorrhage is generally due to the opening of blood vessels in the uterus where the placenta attaches to the uterine wall when pregnant. In addition, blood can also come out of a tear in the birth canal that occurs when a woman goes through an episiotomy procedure during labor. Various Causes of Post Partum Bleeding Each patient's body has a different reaction when there is bleeding. However, there are some cases that have more severe post partum hemorrhage. The following are things that can cause excessive postpartum hemorrhage (PPH): Post partum hemorrhage that occurs due to a tear or a wide incision episiotomy in the perineum or vagina. Uterine atony is a condition in which uterine m...

Continuous Hiccups Turns Dangerous Signs

Almost everyone has experienced hiccups. Often, this condition occurs suddenly when eating too fast or satiety. However, if hiccups occur continuously, you should be aware of other diseases that might trigger it. Most of the hiccups that occur will stop by itself. Hiccups are rarely considered a serious medical condition. Hiccups are the effects of diaphragm muscle contractions that occur suddenly. Sounds that occur during hiccups occur when the vocal cords close during the contraction of these muscles. Various Causes of Hiccups In general, the trigger for hiccups is related to eating patterns, such as eating too much, swallowing air while chewing gum, and consuming excessive soft drinks. Hiccups can also be caused by sudden changes in weather, stress, or overexertion. However, continuous hiccups that last more than two days, the cause must be sought immediately. Often the cause of continuous hiccup is not clearly known. However, there are several conditions that are known to be...

5 Must-Read Hormone Cortisol Facts

The hormone cortisol may be less known than the hormone adrenaline. In fact, the two types of hormones are related to one another and have a function that is not small for the body to function optimally. The hormone cortisol or also widely known as stress hormone, because this hormone will be produced more when the body is experiencing stress, both physically and emotionally. Understanding the Facts About the Hormone Cortisol There are several facts about the cortisol hormone that are important to know, including the following: The hormone cortisol provides energy and controls stress The hormone cortisol plays a role in the use of sugar or glucose and fat in the body's metabolism to provide energy. The hormone cortisol also functions to control stress that can be affected by conditions of infection, injury, strenuous activity, and physical and emotional stress. Not only that, the hormone cortisol also helps maintain normal blood pressure, while controlling blood sugar l...

Beware, Urinary Stone Can Occur in Children

Urine is a formation of stones in the kidney, bladder, ureter, and urethra (urinary tract). Stones can form due to the accumulation of salt and minerals (calcium, ammonia, gout, cysteine) in the urine. Urine stones are not only experienced by adults, but also children. Urinary stones are more common in adults than children. If urination is experienced by young children, it is mostly because they suffer from certain diseases or conditions that risk making stones form. But, there are also children who suffer from urinary stones for no apparent reason. The shape of stones in the urinary tract can vary, ranging from the size of gravel to large stones. These stones can settle in their formed position or move to other parts of the urinary tract. Urinary stones or the presence of stones in the urinary tract can block urine flow, cause pain in the waist or lower back, causing long-term problems if not treated immediately. Children with urinary stones may experience symptoms such as pain ...