Continuous Hiccups Turns Dangerous Signs

Almost everyone has experienced hiccups. Often, this condition occurs suddenly when eating too fast or satiety. However, if hiccups occur continuously, you should be aware of other diseases that might trigger it. Most of the hiccups that occur will stop by itself. Hiccups are rarely considered a serious medical condition. Hiccups are the effects of diaphragm muscle contractions that occur suddenly. Sounds that occur during hiccups occur when the vocal cords close during the contraction of these muscles.

Various Causes of Hiccups

In general, the trigger for hiccups is related to eating patterns, such as eating too much, swallowing air while chewing gum, and consuming excessive soft drinks. Hiccups can also be caused by sudden changes in weather, stress, or overexertion. However, continuous hiccups that last more than two days, the cause must be sought immediately. Often the cause of continuous hiccup is not clearly known. However, there are several conditions that are known to be possible causes, such as irritation of the eardrum due to foreign bodies, laryngitis, enlargement of the thyroid gland, tumors or cysts in the throat, pregnancy, hiatal hernia, electrolyte disturbances, and rising gastric acid into the esophagus (gastroesophageal reflux disease / GERD). Chronic disease conditions such as diabetes, Parkinson's disease, kidney failure, cancer and side effects of chemotherapy can also be a trigger factor for persistent hiccups. In addition, hiccups of this kind can be caused by disorders of the central nervous system, causing the body to be unable to control hiccups. Some types of medical procedures can also cause continuous hiccups, such as the use of catheters in the heart muscle, bronchoscopy procedures in the lungs, and tracheostomy procedures in the neck. In fact, unhealthy lifestyles including excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages and smoking can also trigger constant hiccups.

How to Overcome Hiccups

Generally, hiccups can be overcome at home with simple ways such as holding your breath for a while, drinking water quickly, gargling, or sucking a lemon. In addition, there are also simple ways to stop hiccups, for example breathing in a paper bag, tasting vinegar, to pulling your knees toward your chest and bowing until your chest feels depressed. Consult a doctor immediately if hiccups continue to occur for more than three hours. There are several treatment options that can be done. For example, for patients with acid reflux who experience hiccups constantly, doctors can provide drugs to reduce stomach acid production. In addition, there are also conditions that are quite severe hiccups and are chronic, the doctor will give drugs such as chlorpromazine, haloperidol, valproic acid anti-seizure drugs, phenytoin, and carbamazepine, or anti-emetic medication metoclopramide. If the treatment is unsuccessful, the doctor will recommend injecting a local anesthetic into the nerve between the neck and chest. The next treatment option is the placement of implants to provide mild electrical stimulation to the nerves so as to stop the hiccups continuously. Hiccups are body reactions that are generally harmless and can disappear by themselves. However, hiccups must constantly get attention. Immediately consult a doctor if it happens protracted.


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